I was in my 50s when I started to hold my lower back when I got up. I would hesitate for a moment as the pain hit me in a wave, then I would brave a step forward. The first few steps after getting up from sitting for some time were bothersome. It was not getting any better even though I exercised and ate right. I was still at my proper weight. Okay, I was five pounds over my ideal, but I never let it go beyond that. My wife scheduled me an appointment with a chiropractor in Phoenix to have my back looked at. She told me that I should not have all that trouble with pain when I first get up.
It was only the first five or so steps that were painful. Then my lower back would loosen up and be okay. I told her I was just having a bit of a hard time getting into second gear. Still, she made me go. I had no confidence that the chiropractor would be able to help me. However, I was proven wrong. My wife pointed out to me that after my first treatment I was not hesitating as long before the first steps after getting up from being seated. After a few more treatments, I was standing straight up from the couch without grabbing onto something and pulling myself slowly to the edge. I used to get up and get going in stages. It was like a weird dance ritual to get moving after sitting down in a chair or on the couch for a time.
I was feeling much better getting the therapy at the chiropractor in Phoenix and doing the exercises that were prescribed to me. My back was getting stronger and much more durable. My wife was impressed with the progress. We were riding bikes again and taking long walks with our dogs. It is really nice to feel so much better without all that awful back pain.