I heard about chaste tree berry from a colleague at work. She used to be out sick at least once or twice a month, but that all stopped a few months ago. It was always during the same time of the month, so I just attributed it to female problems due to her time of the month. When she stopped missing work, I wondered what had changed. I have problems around that time of the month too. I would probably have called off too if I could afford to, but I did not have that luxury.
I finally worked up the courage to ask her what had changed. I was surprised and happy that she was so open about it, and that is actually what started a friendship that just continues to grow stronger. When she told me that the pain from her period would be pretty severe, it was something I could definitely relate to. The PMS symptoms were just as bad for her too, and that is why she started looking for a natural supplement that would be able to help her with these issues. She figured that there is a supplement for just about every issue under the sun, so she thought that there had to be one for PMS symptoms too.
It did not take her long to find these chaste tree berry supplements that help in so many different ways. It is not just for people like me and her. While it does help lessen the severity of PMS symptoms, it does so much more too. It also helps women who are going through menopause handle the symptoms of that too, plus women who are having fertility issues have found some great help from this supplement. It is tough being a woman at times, but the benefits far outweigh the negatives, especially with a supplement like this!